Red Clay uses 100% raw, unfiltered wildflower honey in our recipes. Raw honey is a natural sweetener with many health benefits, such as its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. However, one of the characteristics of raw honey that can sometimes be confusing is its tendency to crystallize.
When honey crystallizes, it means that it has become solid and grainy. This happens when glucose molecules in the honey lose water and bond together to form crystals. This process is completely natural and occurs more often in raw honey than processed honey. This is because processed honey has been heated and filtered to remove impurities, which also removes some of the natural enzymes and other substances that contribute to crystallization.
Honey crystallization does not affect the taste or nutritional value of the honey. In fact, some people prefer crystallized honey because it has a thicker, spreadable consistency that is easier to use in cooking and baking. Crystallized honey can also be easily turned back into its liquid form by gently heating it in warm water.
Raw honey is honey that has not been heated or filtered, which means that it contains more natural enzymes, antioxidants, and nutrients than processed honey. Raw honey is also more likely to crystallize because it has not been processed to remove the glucose molecules that cause crystallization.
Raw honey is a rich source of antioxidants, which can help protect the body against free radicals and reduce inflammation. It also has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help boost the immune system and fight infections. Raw honey is also an excellent source of natural sugars, which can provide a quick energy boost without the crash that comes from processed sugars.
In addition to its health benefits, raw honey has a rich, complex flavor that varies depending on the source of the nectar and the bees that produce it. This means that each batch of raw honey has a unique flavor profile that can range from light and floral to dark and earthy.
Honey crystallization is a completely natural process that occurs more often in raw honey than processed honey. It does not affect the taste or nutritional value of the honey and can be easily remedied by gently heating the honey. Raw honey is superior to other honeys because it is not heated or filtered, which means that it contains more natural enzymes, antioxidants, and nutrients. Raw honey also has a unique flavor profile that can vary depending on the source of the nectar and the bees that produce it. So the next time your raw honey crystallizes, you can rest assured that it is a sign of its natural goodness!